If someone wants to build up their professional career in the Security Sector then Application Software Security can qualify you for varied intuitive job profiles in Cyber Security.
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Application Software Security course is professionally designed with detailed discussions on web design and development, on-hand practice and income guidelines.
1. Software Security Concepts
2. Software Security Requirements
3. Software Security Architecture and Design
4. Secure Software Implementation
5. Secure Software Testing
6. Secure Software Lifecycle and Supply Chain Management
7. Secure Software Deployment, Operations, Maintenance
The Application Software Security course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to develop, assess, and maintain secure software applications. This course covers a range of topics including secure coding practices, vulnerability assessment, threat modeling, and application security testing. It is ideal for software developers, security professionals, and anyone involved in the software development lifecycle who wants to enhance their understanding of application security.
Get Course Completion and Assessment Certificate at the end of the course