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ASP.NET MVC Core with SQL Server Training

Our ASP.NET developer training course in Bangladesh for PeopleNTech is for you! Enroll in our ASP.NET training course and elevate your skills in modern web application development. Our comprehensive ASP.NET course focuses on the powerful ASP.NET MVC Core framework, providing hands-on experience that prepares you for real-world challenges. As the premier choice for ASP.NET MVC core training in Bangladesh, we are committed to delivering the best ASP.NET course in Bangladesh. With expert instructors and a curriculum tailored to industry needs, our program is recognized as the best ASP.NET training course in Bangladesh. Enroll today and take the first step toward a successful career in web development!

Course Features


Tools, templates and book suggestions


Online and Offline Support


Recorded video


Assessment and Certificate


Job Placement Support


Course duration is 4 months


26+ Live Classes


Total 78 Hours

৳ 15000 ৳ 30000

For details about the course

Call Now (0179-944-6655)

Course Features

ASP.NET MVC Core with SQL Server Training course is professionally designed with detailed discussions on web design and development, on-hand practice and income guidelines.


Tools, templates and book suggestions


Online and Offline Support


Recorded video


Assessment and Certificate


Job Placement Support


Course duration is 4 months


26+ Live Classes


Total 78 Hours

Course Modules

  • Introduction to .NET Framework and .NET Core
  • .NET Core for Cross-Platform Development
  • Introduction to ASP.NET Core
  • Evolution of ASP, ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core
  • Any developer, any app, any platform
  • .NET Framework & .NET Core high level overview
  • NET Core High-Level Overview
  • Code Compilation Process
  • NET Core Features in Detail
  • Introduction to Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio Code
  • Installer, Project file, Template, Configuration file, dotnet CLI etc

  • What is MVC?
  • Introduction to design Pattern
  • What is framework and differences between framework and library
  • Component of MVC design pattern
  • Introduction to Model, View and Controller and their responsibility.
  • NET MVC and its feature
  • Introduction to web application architecture, request and response
  • How an application works?
  • How separation of concern benefit us?

  • What are Views?
  • Responsibility of Views
  • Benefits of Using Views
  • Creating a View
  • Content of a View File
  • What is Layout?
  • How to create a Layout?
  • Specifying a Layout
  • Layout property of Razor views
  • Introduction to RenderBody, Section, RenderSection etc.
  • Ignoring sections
  • About _ViewStart.cshtml file
  • Razor Directives, Importing Shared Directives
  • About _ViewImports.cshtml file
  • Passing Data from Controller to View
  • Introduction to ViewBag and ViewData
  • Usages of TempData, ViewBag and ViewData

  • Razor View Engine, Razor Syntax
  • Symbol to transition from HTML to C#
  • Implicit Razor expressions
  • Explicit Razor expressions
  • Expression encoding
  • Razor code blocks
  • Implicit transitions
  • Explicit transition
  • Transitions in decision and Control Structures
  • Comments in Razor Syntax

  • What is a Controller ?
  • Responsibility of a Controller
  • Action Methods and Action Results
  • ActionResult vs IActionResult
  • ViewResult, JsonResult, ContentResult, EmptyResult,
  • RedirectResult, RedirectToActionResult, BadRequestResult
  • FileResult, FileContentResult, FileStreamResult
  • Dependency Injection in Controller
  • Implicit Dependencies Principle
  • Explicit Dependencies Principle
  • Constructor Injection
  • Action Injection

  • What is a Model?
  • Responsibility of a Model
  • Introduction to Model binding 
  • How Model binding works?
  • Data Sources To Bind Request Data
  • Form values, Route values, Query strings
  • Bind Request Data
  • Customize Model Binding With Attributes
  • [BindRequired], [BindNever]
  • Exact Binding source [FromHeader], [FromQuery], [FromRoute], [FromForm] 
  • [FromServices], [FromBody] etc.
  • What happens Inside Model Binding?
  • Value providers and Model Binders activities.

  • What is Model Validation?
  • Why Model Validation?
  • Where Model Validation ?
  • Introduction to Validation Attributes  How Model validation works?
  • Example of Model with Validation Attributes
  • Built-in Validation Attributes
  • ComponentModel.DataAnnotations Namespace for validation attributes
  • Model State and Handling Model State
  • Manual Validation and Custom validation
  • Client side validation and Remote validation

  • Introduction to jQuery
  • jQuery Selectors
  • Unobtrusive JavaScript
  • Ajax Helpers
  • ActionLink() and BeginForm()
  • AjaxOptions

  • What is Routing?
  • Routing in ASP.NET Core
  • Routing Basics
  • Router Middleware
  • Incoming request, Route Handlers, RouteAsync Method, Route collection
  • Creating Default Routes
  • Extending Default Routes
  • Using Attributes
  • Building RESTful Routes
  • Using Constraints

  • What is LINQ ?
  • Types Of LINQ
  • LINQ Architecture IN .NET
  • Why LINQ ?
  • The building blocks of LINQ
  • LINQ Query Syntax
  • LINQ Lamda Syntax
  • How LINQ to SQL works?
  • Deferred execution
  • LINQ Query Operators

  • Entity Framework Core
  • What is ORM?
  • Introduction to Entity Framework Core
  • Conceptual Model, Storage Model, Mapping
  • Entity Framework Core in two scenarios
  • Domain Model and Database
  • Domain Model Approaches
  • Code First and Database First Approach
  • Concept of DBContext
  • Introduction to Scaffolding

  • Entity Framework Architecture
  • Create the Model
  • Register context with dependency injection
  • Add Migration and Create Database
  • Introduction to Asynchronous Code
  • Synchronous vs. Asynchronous code
  • Introduction to async and await
  • Entity States, No-tracking Queries etc.

  • What is Authentication
  • Authentication in ASP.NET Core
  • Identity on ASP.NET Core
  • Configure Identity
  • Introduction to Authorization
  • Authorization Types
  • Authorization Namespace
  • What is Role?
  • Different Types of Authorization
  • Simple Authorization
  • Role based Authorization
  • Claims-Based Authorization
  • Custom Policy-Based Authorization
  • Resource Based Authorization
  • View Based Authorization
  • How to add role checks?
  • Policy based role checks
  • How to add claims checks?
  • Multiple Policy Evaluation etc.

  • Deploy WEB Application in Remote Server
  • Publishing and packaging Web API
  • Configuring Server
  • Deploying the Application and GO Live

  • Introduction about project
  • Project plan, approach and methodology identification
  • Setting up the Project environment
  • Conceptualization of requirements and develop requirements specification
  • Designing solution in detail
  • Development or construction based on the design
  • Testing and debugging the Application
  • Deploy Application to server

  • Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server 2014
  • Module 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying
  • Module 3: Writing SELECT Queries
  • Module 4: Querying Multiple Tables
  • Module 5: Sorting and Filtering Data
  • Module 6: Working with SQL Server 2014 Data Types
  • Module 7: Using DML to Modify Data
  • Module 8: Using Built-In Functions
  • Module 9: Grouping and Aggregating Data
  • Module 10: Using Sub queries
  • Module 11: Using Table Expressions
  • Module 12: Using Set Operators
  • Module 13: Using Window Ranking, Offset, and Aggregate Functions
  • Module 14: Pivoting and Grouping Sets
  • Module 15: Executing Stored Procedures
  • Module 16: Programming with T-SQL
  • Module 17: Implementing Error Handling
  • Module 18: Implementing Transactions

What you will learn


Project Deployment


Project Build


Portfolio Making






SQL Server Integration


API Development


Performance Optimization

Details about the course

ASP.NET training course on PeopleNTech is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of web application development. This ASP.NET training Course offers comprehensive coverage of the ASP.NET MVC Core framework, empowering you with the skills to build dynamic and scalable web applications. 

Throughout the course, you will engage in hands-on projects that reinforce your learning and allow you to apply concepts in real-world scenarios. Recognized as the leading option for ASP.NET MVC vore training, our course is delivered by industry experts who bring valuable insights and practical experience to the classroom. 

By choosing our course, you will in best ASP.NET training course in Bangladesh. We ensure you receive top-notch education and career support. Join us today to unlock your potential in the ever-evolving field of web development!

Web development with ASP.NET Core and Microsoft SQL Server involves building dynamic and scalable web applications using the ASP.NET Core framework and a MSSQL Server database. Here's a brief 

Course Topic Overview:

What is ASP.NET?

ASP.NET is a free, open-source web framework from Microsoft for building web apps and services. ASP.NET is a cross-platform and runs on Windows, Linux, macOS, and Docker.


Framework: ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, high-performance framework for building modern, cloud-based, and internet-connected applications.

MVC Architecture: ASP.NET Core follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, providing a structured way to build and organize code.

Microsoft SQL Server:

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS): Microsoft SQL Server is a robust RDBMS that stores and retrieves data in a structured format.

Integration with ASP.NET Core: ASP.NET Core seamlessly integrates with SQL Server, allowing developers to use Entity Framework Core for efficient data access.

Key Components and Concepts:

Controllers and Actions: Controllers handle incoming requests, interact with the database, and return appropriate responses.

Views: Views define the presentation layer and utilize the Razor syntax for creating dynamic HTML content.

Models and Entity Framework Core: Models represent the data structure and are mapped to the database using Entity Framework Core, simplifying database operations.

Middleware: ASP.NET Core middleware handles various aspects of the request-response pipeline, such as authentication, logging, and error handling.

Entity Framework Core:

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM): Entity Framework Core simplifies database interactions by allowing developers to work with .NET objects, which are then mapped to database tables.

Code-First Development: Developers can use the code-first approach, defining models and relationships in code, and then generating the database schema automatically.

Authentication and Authorization:

ASP.NET Core provides built-in support for user authentication and authorization, making it easy to implement secure user access controls.

Razor Pages:

ASP.NET Core includes Razor Pages, a lightweight alternative to the MVC pattern, suitable for simpler applications.

Dependency Injection:

ASP.NET Core features a built-in dependency injection container, facilitating the organization and management of application components.

Cross-Platform and Open Source:

ASP.NET Core is cross-platform, allowing developers to build and deploy applications on Windows, Linux, and macOS. It is also open source, encouraging community collaboration and contributions.

Course Certificate

Get Course Completion and Assessment Certificate at the end of the course

On successful completion of the course you will receive a certificate which will enable you to-

  • Can add to your CV
  • You can share directly on your LinkedIn profile
  • You can share on Facebook with one click

Frequently Asked Questions

এটা তো আসলে ব্যক্তিবিশেষে আলাদা – কারো কম সময় লাগবে, কারো বেশি সময় লাগবে! তবে আশা করা যায়ঃ প্রতি সপ্তাহে গড়ে ১০-১৫ ঘণ্টা করে সময় দিলে আপনি পুরো সিলেবাস শিখে ফেলতে পারবেন।

হ্যাঁ, ৬ মাসেই শেষ করতে হবে। তা না হলে আমাদের পক্ষে প্রজেক্ট রিভিউ ও স্কোর করা সম্ভব হবে না। অর্থাৎ সার্টিফিকেটও দেওয়া হবে না ৬ মাস পর। তবে আপনি চাইলে নিজ উদ্যোগে ৬ মাস পরও প্রজেক্ট প্র্যাকটিস করতে পারেন।

হ্যাঁ, অবশ্যই। কোর্স শেষে সার্টিফিকেট তো থাকছেই। তবে এজন্য ৬ মাসের ভেতর কোর্স শেষ করতে হবে। কারণ প্রজেক্ট রিভিউর মতো ব্যাপারগুলো এ ৬ মাস পর থাকবে না।

আমাদের প্রতিটা কোর্সের আপকামিং সিডিউল দেওয়া আছে। আপকামিং সিডিউল দেখে আপনি ভর্তি কনফার্ম করতে পারেন অথবা আপনার ফ্লেক্সিবিলিটি অনুযায়ী কোর্স করতে পারবেন।

নির্দিষ্ট কোনো ডিগ্রি রিকোয়্যারমেন্ট নেই। তবে কমপক্ষে এইচএসসি বা সমমানের যোগ্যতা থাকা উচিত। এছাড়া, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ডের শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য এ কোর্স তুলনামূলকভাবে সহজ হবে। অবশ্য নন-টেকনিক্যাল (যেমন, কমার্স কিংবা আর্টস) ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ডের মানুষরাও এ কোর্স করতে পারবে। পাশাপাশি কয়েকটি বেসিক বিষয় জানতে হবে। যেমন, Basic Algebra সম্পর্কে ভাল ধারণা থাকা। আবার কম্পিউটার চালানো এবং ইন্টারনেট ব্রাউজার ব্যবহারে কমফোর্টেবল হতে হবে। এছাড়া, গুগলে সার্চ করে কোনো টপিক ঘেঁটে দেখার মতো অভ্যাস থাকা উচিত।

Any more query?

Call For Any Information Regarding The Course +880179-944-6655 (09 AM to 09 PM)

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