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Cisco Certified Network Associate & MikroTik Administration

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards becoming a certified Cisco networking professional? Look no further! At PeopleNTech, we offer an unparalleled learning experience to help you master the essentials of networking through our comprehensive CCNA training.

Course Features


Tools, templates and book suggestions


Assessment and Certificate


Job Placement Support


Course duration is 4 months


26+ Live Classes


Total 78 Hours

৳ 12000 ৳ 20000

For details about the course

Call Now (0179-944-6655)

Course Features

Cisco Certified Network Associate & MikroTik Administration course is professionally designed with detailed discussions on web design and development, on-hand practice and income guidelines.


Tools, templates and book suggestions


Assessment and Certificate


Job Placement Support


Course duration is 4 months


26+ Live Classes


Total 78 Hours

Course Modules

  • Understand the operation of data networks.
  • Know the purpose and functions of network devices such as routers, switches, bridges and hubs.
  • Be able to select components to meet a specific network requirement.
  • Understand how certain applications can impact network performance.
  • Know the protocols, purpose and operation of both the OSI and TCP/IP models.
  • Describe the data flow between two hosts on a network
  • Be able to choose the most appropriate cables, media, ports and connectors to connect network devices and hosts to a LAN.

  • Understand the media access control method for Ethernet.
  • Describe the basic switching concepts and the operation of switches.
  • Configure and verify switch configuration including remote access management.
  • Verify a network and switch operation using basic utilities such as ping, telnet and SSH.
  • Describe VLANs and the need for routing between VLANs.
  • Understand network segmentation and traffic management.
  • Be able to configure and verify VLANs.
  • Configure and verify trunking on Cisco switches.
  • Understand advanced switching technologies:

  1. RSTP
  2. PVSTP
  3. EtherChannel
  • Be able to configure and verify PVSTP operation.
  • Describe the process of root bridge election.

  • Describe the need for public and private addresses for IPv4.
  • Understand IPv6 addresses.
  • Describe the appropriate IPv6 addressing scheme for a LAN/WAN environment.
  • Describe the appropriate IPv4 addressing scheme for a LAN/WAN environment, including VLSM and summarization.
  • Identify the appropriate IPv4 addressing scheme using VLSM and summarization to satisfy addressing requirements in a LAN/WAN environment.
  • Describe the technologies required to run IPv6 and IPv4 concurrently such as dual stack.

  • Understand the basic routing concepts.
  • Understand the boot process of a Cisco router.
  • Configure and verify a basic router configuration using the command line interface.
  • Configure and verify both serial and Ethernet interfaces.
  • Be able to verify the network connectivity and configuration of a router.
  • Configure a static or default route given specific requirements, then verify.
  • Manage Cisco IOS files and image(s).
  • Understand Cisco IOS licensing.
  • Understand and distinguish different methods of routing and routing protocols.
  • Configure and verify EIGRP in a single autonomous system.
  • Configure and verify OSPF (v2 and v3) in a single area.
  • Configure and verify interVLAN routing using router-on-a-stick.
  • Be able to configure SVI interfaces.

  • Configure and verify DHCP on a Cisco router.
  • Understand the features and applications of each type of ACL.
  • Be able to configure and verify ACLs.
  • Understand the basic operation of NAT.
  • Configure and verify NAT based on a set of network requirements.
  • Be able to configure and verify NTP as a client.
  • Recognize high availability FHRP.
  • Understand, configure and verify Syslog and utilize Syslog output.
  • Understand SNMP v2 and v3.

  • Be able to configure and verify device security features.
  • Understand, configure and verify switch port security features.
  • Configure and verify ACLs for filtering network traffic.
  • Limit telnet and SSH access to a router by configuring ACLs.

  • Troubleshoot and correct common issues concerning IP addressing and host configurations.
  • Be able to utilize netflow and monitor data.
  • Troubleshoot and fix spanning tree operation.
  • Troubleshoot and resolve routing issues, including OSPF, and EIGRP.
  • Troubleshoot and correct VLAN problems.
  • Identify and resolve interVLAN problems.
  • Troubleshoot and resolve switch trunking issues.
  • Troubleshoot and fix ACL problems.
  • Troubleshoot and correct layer 1 problems.
  • Troubleshoot and correct WAN issues.
  • Troubleshoot EtherChannel issues.

Understand and identify different WAN technologies including:

  • Metro Ethernet
  • Frame Relay
  • VSAT
  • Cellular 3G and 4G
  • MPLS
  • T1/E1
  • ISDN
  • DSL
  • Cable
  • VPN

Configure and verify a serial WAN connection.

Configure Frame Relay on Cisco routers including verification.

Be able to configure and verify a PPP connection between two Cisco routers.

Configure and troubleshoot PPPoE.

  • Introduction MikroTik 
  • Lab on Virtual Environment
  • MikroTik Basic Configuration 
  • DHCP Server Configuration 
  • DHCP Client Configuration
  • Default Routing
  • Network Address Translation NAT
  • User & Group Configuration 
  • Firewall Configuration
  • Bandwidth Management
  • Backup & restore
  • NTP Client Configuration
  • Wireless Configuration
  • Bridge Configuration
  • VLAN Configuration
  • Hotspot Configuration
  • PPPoE Server 
  • PPPoE client
  • Static Route 
  • OSPF Routing
  • BGP Configuration
  • VPN Configuration
  • Proxy Server
  • MikroTik Load Balancing Over Multiple Gateway
  • Load Balancing & Failover

What you will learn


Real Hardware




Networking Fundamentals


IP Connectivity


Security Fundamentals:


WAN Technologies


Simulations and Test Prep



Details about the course

Why Choose PeopleNTech for CCNA Learning?

Expert Instructors: Learn from industry-seasoned instructors with vast experience in networking and Cisco technologies. Our instructors are committed to guiding you through the intricacies of CCNA with clarity and expertise.

Comprehensive Curriculum: Our CCNA course is designed to cover all aspects of the certification exam, including networking fundamentals, routing and switching, security, wireless networking, and network automation. Gain hands-on experience with real-world projects and practical scenarios.

State-of-the-Art Labs: Practice makes perfect. Access our cutting-edge virtual labs to apply theoretical knowledge in a simulated environment. Develop the skills required to configure and troubleshoot Cisco devices with confidence.

Flexible Learning Options: We understand the importance of flexibility in your learning journey. Choose from in-person or live online classes to suit your schedule. Our goal is to make quality CCNA education accessible to everyone.

Supportive Learning Community: Join a vibrant learning community where you can interact with fellow students, share insights, and collaborate on projects. Our community fosters an environment of continuous learning and mutual support.

What You'll Gain:

In-depth knowledge of networking concepts and protocols.

Proficiency in configuring and troubleshooting routers and switches.

Understanding of network security principles and best practices.

Skills in wireless networking and network automation.

Preparation for the CCNA exam and a solid foundation for a successful networking career.

Ready to Get Started?

Your journey to CCNA certification begins here at PeopleNTech. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your networking skills, our tailored CCNA program is designed for your success. Join us, and let's build a foundation for your thriving career in networking.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn CCNA the PeopleNTech way. Enroll now and unlock the doors to a world of networking possibilities!

PeopleNTech - Empowering Your Career in Technology.

Course Certificate

Get Course Completion and Assessment Certificate at the end of the course

On successful completion of the course you will receive a certificate which will enable you to-

  • Can add to your CV
  • You can share directly on your LinkedIn profile
  • You can share on Facebook with one click

Frequently Asked Questions

এটা তো আসলে ব্যক্তিবিশেষে আলাদা – কারো কম সময় লাগবে, কারো বেশি সময় লাগবে! তবে আশা করা যায়ঃ প্রতি সপ্তাহে গড়ে ১০-১৫ ঘণ্টা করে সময় দিলে আপনি পুরো সিলেবাস শিখে ফেলতে পারবেন।

হ্যাঁ, ৬ মাসেই শেষ করতে হবে। তা না হলে আমাদের পক্ষে প্রজেক্ট রিভিউ ও স্কোর করা সম্ভব হবে না। অর্থাৎ সার্টিফিকেটও দেওয়া হবে না ৬ মাস পর। তবে আপনি চাইলে নিজ উদ্যোগে ৬ মাস পরও প্রজেক্ট প্র্যাকটিস করতে পারেন।

হ্যাঁ, অবশ্যই। কোর্স শেষে সার্টিফিকেট তো থাকছেই। তবে এজন্য ৬ মাসের ভেতর কোর্স শেষ করতে হবে। কারণ প্রজেক্ট রিভিউর মতো ব্যাপারগুলো এ ৬ মাস পর থাকবে না।

আমাদের প্রতিটা কোর্সের আপকামিং সিডিউল দেওয়া আছে। আপকামিং সিডিউল দেখে আপনি ভর্তি কনফার্ম করতে পারেন অথবা আপনার ফ্লেক্সিবিলিটি অনুযায়ী কোর্স করতে পারবেন।

নির্দিষ্ট কোনো ডিগ্রি রিকোয়্যারমেন্ট নেই। তবে কমপক্ষে এইচএসসি বা সমমানের যোগ্যতা থাকা উচিত। এছাড়া, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ডের শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য এ কোর্স তুলনামূলকভাবে সহজ হবে। অবশ্য নন-টেকনিক্যাল (যেমন, কমার্স কিংবা আর্টস) ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ডের মানুষরাও এ কোর্স করতে পারবে। পাশাপাশি কয়েকটি বেসিক বিষয় জানতে হবে। যেমন, Basic Algebra সম্পর্কে ভাল ধারণা থাকা। আবার কম্পিউটার চালানো এবং ইন্টারনেট ব্রাউজার ব্যবহারে কমফোর্টেবল হতে হবে। এছাড়া, গুগলে সার্চ করে কোনো টপিক ঘেঁটে দেখার মতো অভ্যাস থাকা উচিত।

Any more query?

Call For Any Information Regarding The Course +880179-944-6655 (09 AM to 09 PM)

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