If someone wants to build up their professional career in the Security Sector then Cyber Security Operation Center Management and Threat Hunting can qualify you for varied intuitive job profiles in Cyber Security.
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Cyber security Operation Center Management and Threat Hunting course is professionally designed with detailed discussions on web design and development, on-hand practice and income guidelines.
1. Cyber Security Operations Management
2. Understanding Cyber Threats, IoCs, and Attack Methodology
3. Analyze and Management of Incidents, Events, and Logging
4. Incident Detection with Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
5. Enhanced Incident Detection with Threat Intelligence
6. Incident Response Management
This course is designed to teach participants comprehensive understanding of the job tasks required as a SOC analyst. Participants also learn comprehensive understanding of a complete SOC workflow and Threat Hunting.
Get Course Completion and Assessment Certificate at the end of the course